
The Celebrity Insider's Report

Celebrities Who Are/Were Physicians

This is a summary list of the celebrities in our Physician category. If you notice that we missed a famous Physician, please send us the info and we'll add him or her to our database.

Abdus Salam
~ Favorite Shoes: Stuart Weitzman
Albert Hofmann
~ Favorite Shoes: Christian Louboutin
Alex Comfort
~ Favorite Shoes: Nike
Christiaan Barnard
~ Favorite Shoes: Balenciaga
Elisabeth Kübler-Ross
~ Favorite Shoes: Old Skool LX Vans
Francis Crick
~ Favorite Shoes: KENZO
Ivan Pavlov
~ Favorite Shoes: Adidas Originals
James Herriot
~ Favorite Shoes: Balenciaga
Linus Pauling
~ Favorite Shoes: Adidas UltraBoost
Mark Vonnegut
~ Favorite Shoes: Ugg Boots
Robert Atkins
~ Favorite Shoes: Oliver Cabell
Timothy Leary
~ Favorite Shoes: Nike Air Jordan
Viktor Frankl
~ Favorite Shoes: Dr. Martens
William Masters
~ Favorite Shoes: Balmain B-Court

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