
The Celebrity Insider's Report

Celebrities Born in Hong Kong

This is a summary the celebrities in our forum who were born in Hong Kong. If you notice that we missed a well known celebrity that is from Hong Kong, please let us know and we'll update our list.

Andy Lau
~ September 27th 1961 in Tai Po, Hong Kong
Candice Yu
~ October 22nd 1959 in Hong Kong, Hong Kong
CoCo Lee
~ January 17th 1975 in Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Jackie Chan
~ April 7th 1954 in Victoria Peak, Hong Kong
Jimmy O. Yang
~ June 11th 1987 in Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Katrina Kaif
~ July 16th 1984 in Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Maggie Cheung
~ September 20th 1964 in Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Nancy Kwan
~ May 19th 1939 in Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Olivia Chow
~ March 24th 1957 in Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Robin Shou
~ July 17th 1960 in Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Romola Garai
~ August 6th 1982 in Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Sally Phillips
~ May 10th 1970 in Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Stephanie Jacobsen
~ June 22nd 1980 in Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Stephen Chow
~ June 22nd 1962 in Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Tony Leung Chiu Wai
~ June 27th 1962 in Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Yun-Fat Chow
~ May 18th 1955 in Lamma Island, Hong Kong

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