
The Celebrity Insider's Report

Celebrities Born in Russia

This is a summary the celebrities in our forum who were born in Russia. If you notice that we missed a well known celebrity that is from Russia, please let us know and we'll update our list.

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
~ December 11th 1918 in Kislovodsk, Russia
Alexander Godunov
~ November 28th 1949 in Sakhalin, Russia
Alexis Raben
~ August 25th 1980 in Moscow, Russia
Anton Chekhov
~ January 29th 1860 in Taganrog, Russia
Anton Yelchin
~ March 11th 1989 in Leningrad, Russia
Bar Paly
~ April 29th 1985 in Nizhniy Tagil, Russia
Boris Yeltsin
~ February 1st 1931 in Butka, Russia
Eve Harlow
~ June 20th 1989 in Moscow, Russia
Ivan Pavlov
~ September 26th 1849 in Ryazan, Russia
Margarita Levieva
~ February 9th 1980 in Leningrad, Russia
Olesya Rulin
~ March 17th 1986 in Moscow, Russia
Sasha Luss
~ June 6th 1992 in Magadan, Russia
Tina Ivlev
~ June 10th 1989 in Moscow, Russia
Viktoriya Agalakova
~ August 30th 1996 in Saint Petersburg, Russia

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