
The Celebrity Insider's Report

Celebrities Born in South Korea

This is a summary the celebrities in our forum who were born in South Korea. If you notice that we missed a well known celebrity that is from South Korea, please let us know and we'll update our list.

Bae Doona
~ October 11th 1979 in Seoul, South Korea
Daniel Dae Kim
~ August 4th 1968 in Busan, South Korea
Gong Yoo
~ July 10th 1979 in Busan, South Korea
Joel Kim Booster
~ February 29th 1988 in Jeju Island, South Korea
John Cho
~ June 16th 1972 in Seoul, South Korea
Hoyeon Jung Milan Fashion Week Autumn Winter 2019
Jung Hoyeon
~ June 23rd 1994 in Seoul, South Korea
~ September 1st 1997 in Busan, South Korea
Kim Mi-Soo
~ March 16th 1992 in Soul, South Korea
Lee Byung-hun
~ July 12th 1970 in Seoul, South Korea
Lee Sun-kyun
~ March 2nd 1975 in Seoul, South Korea
Linda Park
~ July 9th 1978 in Seoul, South Korea
Moon Bin
~ January 26th 1998 in Cheongju, South Korea
Nicole Bilderback
~ June 10th 1975 in Seoul, South Korea
Sang Heon Lee
~ May 21st 1996 in Seoul, South Korea
So-dam Park
~ September 8th 1991 in Soul, South Korea
Soo-hyun Kim
~ February 16th 1988 in Seoul, South Korea
Steven Yeun
~ December 21st 1983 in Seoul, South Korea
Sung Hi Lee
~ April 1st 1970 in Seoul, South Korea
Yunjin Kim
~ November 7th 1973 in Seoul, South Korea

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