
The Celebrity Insider's Report

Celebrities Born on December 4th

This is a summary the celebrities in our forum who were born on December 4th. If you notice that we missed a famous celebrity born this day of the year, please let us know.

Barbara Amiel
~ December 4th 1940 in Hertfordshire, England
Chelsea Noble
~ December 4th 1964 in Cheektowaga, United States
Donnelly Rhodes
~ December 4th 1937 in Winnipeg, Canada
Fred Armisen
~ December 4th 1966 in Valley Stream, United States
Gemma Jones
~ December 4th 1942 in London, England
~ December 4th 1969 in New York City, United States
Jeff Bridges
~ December 4th 1949 in Los Angeles, United States
Marcus D'Amico
~ December 4th 1995 in Frankfurt, Germany
Marisa Tomei
~ December 4th 1964 in Brooklyn, United States
Max Baer
~ December 4th 1937 in Oakland, United States
Orlando Brown
~ December 4th 1987 in Los Angeles County, United States
Pamela Stephenson
~ December 4th 1949 in Takapuna, New Zealand
Patricia Wettig
~ December 4th 1951 in Milford, United States
Spencer Margaret Richmond
~ December 4th 1985 in Los Angeles, United States
Tony Todd
~ December 4th 1954 in Washington, United States
Tyra Banks
~ December 4th 1973 in Los Angeles, United States
Victor French
~ December 4th 1934 in Santa Barbara, United States

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