
The Celebrity Insider's Report

Celebrities Born on February 15th

This is a summary the celebrities in our forum who were born on February 15th. If you notice that we missed a famous celebrity born this day of the year, please let us know.

Alex Borstein
~ February 15th 1971 in Chicago, United States
Allan Arbus
~ February 15th 1918 in New York City, United States
Anson Boon
~ February 15th 2000 in Cambridge, England
Callum Turner
~ February 15th 1990 in Hammersmith, London, England
Cesar Romero
~ February 15th 1907 in New York City, United States
Chris Farley
~ February 15th 1964 in Madison, United States
Christopher McDonald
~ February 15th 1955 in New York City, United States
Claire Bloom
~ February 15th 1931 in London, England
Denzel Curry
~ February 15th 1995 in Miami Gardens, United States
Greer Grammer
~ February 15th 1992 in Los Angeles, United States
Harvey Korman
~ February 15th 1927 in Chicago, United States
Irena Sendler
~ February 15th 1910 in Warsaw, Poland
Jane Seymour
~ February 15th 1951 in Hayes, England
Janice Dickinson
~ February 15th 1955 in Brooklyn, United States
Lillian Disney
~ February 15th 1899 in Spalding, United States
Matt Groening
~ February 15th 1954 in Portland, United States
Miranda July
~ February 15th 1974 in Barre, United States
Natalie Morales
~ February 15th 1985 in Kendall, United States
Norman Bridwell
~ February 15th 1928 in Kokomo, United States
Rusty Hamer
~ February 15th 1947 in Tenafly, United States
Sarah Wynter
~ February 15th 1973 in Newcastle, Australia
Susan B. Anthony
~ February 15th 1820 in Adams, United States
Zachary Gordon
~ February 15th 1998 in Oak Park, United States

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