
The Celebrity Insider's Report

Celebrities Born on December 25th

This is a summary the celebrities in our forum who were born on December 25th. If you notice that we missed a famous celebrity born this day of the year, please let us know.

Barbara Mandrell 1991 U.S.O. Show
Barbara Mandrell
~ December 25th 1948 in Houston, United States
Cab Calloway
~ December 25th 1907 in Rochester, United States
Candy Candido
~ December 25th 1913 in New Orleans, United States
C. C. H. Pounder
CCH Pounder
~ December 25th 1952 in Georgetown, British Guiana
Conrad Hilton
~ December 25th 1887 in San Antonio, United States
Demaryius Thomas
~ December 25th 1987 in Montrose, United States
Dick Miller
~ December 25th 1928 in New York City, United States
Gary Sandy
~ December 25th 1945 in Dayton, United States
Georgia Tennant
~ December 25th 1984 in London, England
Helena Christensen
~ December 25th 1968 in Copenhagen, Denmark
Humphrey Bogart
~ December 25th 1899 in New York City, United States
Ismail Merchant
~ December 25th 1936 in Mumbai, India
Jeremy Strong
~ December 25th 1978 in Boston, United States
Jimmy Buffett
~ December 25th 1946 in Pascagoula, United States
Justin Trudeau
~ December 25th 1971 in Ottawa, Canada
Karl Rove
~ December 25th 1950 in Denver, United States
Noelle Parker
~ December 25th 1971 in Woodstock, United States
Rachel Keller
~ December 25th 1992 in St. Paul, United States
Shane MacGowan
~ December 25th 1957 in Kent, England
Tony Martin
~ December 25th 1913 in Oakland, United States

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