
The Celebrity Insider's Report

Celebrities Born on December 26th

This is a summary the celebrities in our forum who were born on December 26th. If you notice that we missed a famous celebrity born this day of the year, please let us know.

Alan King
~ December 26th 1927 in New York City, United States
Bill Lawrence
~ December 26th 1968 in Ridgefield, United States
Caroll Spinney
~ December 26th 1933 in Waltham, United States
David Sedaris
~ December 26th 1956 in Binghamton, United States
Emilie Schenkl
~ December 26th 1910 in Vienna, Austria
Jared Leto
~ December 26th 1971 in Bossier City, United States
John Lynch
~ December 26th 1961 in Corrinshego, Northern Ireland
Kit Harington
~ December 26th 1986 in London, England
Phil Spector
~ December 26th 1939 in New York City, United States
Richard Widmark
~ December 26th 1914 in Sunrise Township, United States
Rose Mary Woods
~ December 26th 1917 in Sebring, United States
Steve Allen
~ December 26th 1921 in New York City, United States
Tahnee Welch
~ December 26th 1961 in San Diego, United States
Temuera Morrison
~ December 26th 1960 in Rotorua, New Zealand
Tricia Leigh Fisher
~ December 26th 1968 in Burbank, United States

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