
The Celebrity Insider's Report

Celebrities Born in Maharashtra

This is a list of the celebrities who were born in Maharashtra. If you notice that we missed someone who is famous from Maharashtra, please send us a note.

Asif Basra
~ September 27th 1967 in Amravati, Maharashtra
Hrithik Roshan
~ January 10th 1974 in Mumbai, Maharashtra
Madhuri Dixit
~ May 15th 1967 in Mumbai, Maharashtra
Namrata Shirodkar
~ January 22nd 1972 in Mumbai, Maharashtra
Raveena Tandon
~ October 26th 1974 in Mumbai, Maharashtra
Rinke Khanna
~ July 27th 1977 in Mumbai, Maharashtra
Shilpa Shirodkar
~ November 20th 1969 in Mumbai, Maharashtra
Sohail Khan
~ December 20th 1970 in Mumbai, Maharashtra
Zareen Khan
~ May 14th 1987 in Bombay, Maharashtra

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