
The Celebrity Insider's Report

Celebrities Born in Nevada

This is a list of the celebrities who were born in Nevada. If you notice that we missed someone who is famous from Nevada, please send us a note.

Abby Dalton
~ August 15th 1932 in Las Vegas, Nevada
Andre Agassi
~ April 29th 1970 in Las Vegas, Nevada
Austin 'Chumlee' Russell
~ September 8th 1982 in Henderson, Nevada
Cerina Vincent
~ February 7th 1979 in Las Vegas, Nevada
Charisma Carpenter
~ July 23rd 1970 in Las Vegas, Nevada
Chris Browning
~ January 1st 1988 in Reno, Nevada
Dan Reynolds
~ July 14th 1987 in Las Vegas, Nevada
Daveigh Chase
~ July 24th 1990 in Las Vegas, Nevada
Dawn Wells Gilligan's Island 1964
Dawn Wells
~ October 18th 1938 in Reno, Nevada
Dennis Day
~ July 12th 1942 in Las Vegas, Nevada
Gabriel Damon
~ April 23rd 1976 in Reno, Nevada
Jena Malone
~ November 21st 1984 in Lake Tahoe, Nevada
Jenna Jameson
~ April 9th 1974 in Las Vegas, Nevada
Jodi West
~ May 30th 1964 in Las Vegas, Nevada
Loren Dean
~ July 31st 1969 in Las Vegas, Nevada
Madchen Amick
~ December 12th 1970 in Reno, Nevada
Michael Cimino
~ November 10th 1999 in Las Vegas, Nevada
Nancy Morgan
~ January 14th 1949 in Las Vegas, Nevada
Pat Nixon
~ March 16th 1912 in Ely, Nevada
Thomas Dekker
~ December 28th 1987 in Las Vegas, Nevada
Thomas Ian Nicholas
~ July 10th 1980 in Las Vegas, Nevada
Veronica Hart
~ October 27th 1956 in Las Vegas, Nevada

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