
The Celebrity Insider's Report

Celebrities Born in Puerto Rico

This is a list of the celebrities who were born in Puerto Rico. If you notice that we missed someone who is famous from Puerto Rico, please send us a note.

Adria Arjona
~ April 25th 1992 in San Juan, Puerto Rico
Benicio Del Toro
~ February 19th 1967 in Santurce, Puerto Rico
Ismael Cruz Cordova
~ April 7th 1987 in Aguas Buenas, Puerto Rico
Joaquin Phoenix
~ October 28th 1974 in San Juan, Puerto Rico
Kamar de los Reyes
~ November 8th 1967 in San Juan, Puerto Rico
Luis Guzmán
~ August 28th 1956 in Cayey, Puerto Rico
Ramón Rodríguez
~ December 20th 1979 in Río Piedras, Puerto Rico
Ricky Martin
~ December 24th 1971 in San Juan, Puerto Rico
Roselyn Sanchez
~ April 2nd 1973 in San Juan, Puerto Rico

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