
The Celebrity Insider's Report

Celebrities Born in South Australia

This is a list of the celebrities who were born in South Australia. If you notice that we missed someone who is famous from South Australia, please send us a note.

Anthony La Paglia
~ January 31st 1959 in Adelaide, South Australia
Anthony LaPaglia
~ January 31st 1959 in Adelaide, South Australia
John Noble
~ August 20th 1948 in Port Pirie, South Australia
Jonathan LaPaglia
~ August 31st 1969 in Adelaide, South Australia
Kodi Smit-McPhee
~ June 13th 1996 in Adelaide, South Australia
Peter O'Brien
~ January 1st 1967 in Murray Bridge, South Australia
Samara Weaving
~ February 23rd 1992 in Adelaide, South Australia
Sarah Snook 2012
Sarah Snook
~ July 28th 1987 in Adelaide, South Australia
Teresa Palmer
~ February 26th 1986 in Adelaide, South Australia

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