
The Celebrity Insider's Report

Celebrities Born in Vermont

This is a list of the celebrities who were born in Vermont. If you notice that we missed someone who is famous from Vermont, please send us a note.

Calvin Coolidge
~ July 4th 1872 in Plymouth, Vermont
Cynthia Gibb
~ December 14th 1963 in Bennington, Vermont
Miranda July
~ February 15th 1974 in Barre, Vermont
Orson Bean
~ July 22nd 1928 in Burlington, Vermont
Pamela Blair
~ December 5th 1949 in Bennington, Vermont
Richard Romanus
~ February 8th 1943 in Barre, Vermont
Robert Romanus
~ July 17th 1956 in Barre, Vermont
Sam Lloyd
~ November 12th 1963 in Weston, Vermont
Tara Correa-McMullen
~ May 24th 1989 in Westminster, Vermont
Ted Bundy
~ November 24th 1946 in Burlington, Vermont

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