
The Celebrity Insider's Report

Favorite Celebrities Born in 1899

This is a summary the celebs who were born in 1899. If you see a celebrity birthday that we missed, please let us know.

Al Capone
~ January 17th 1899 in New York City, United States
Alfred Hitchcock
~ August 13th 1899 in Leytonstone, England
Duke Ellington
~ April 29th 1899 in Washington, United States
E. B. White
~ July 11th 1899 in Mount Vernon, United States
Ernest Hemingway
~ July 21st 1899 in Oak Park, United States
Fred Astaire
~ May 10th 1899 in Omaha, United States
Gloria Swanson
~ March 27th 1899 in Chicago, United States
Humphrey Bogart
~ December 25th 1899 in New York City, United States
James Cagney
~ July 17th 1899 in New York City, United States
Lillian Disney
~ February 15th 1899 in Spalding, United States
Pamela Lyndon Travers
~ August 9th 1899 in Maryborough, Australia

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